Date of Birth June 9, 1955
Date Deceased May 24, 2024
Hometown Penfield/Hornell
Home State N.Y.
Service Date June 9, 2024
Service Time 12 p.m. - 2 p.m.
Service Location Bishop-Johnson & DeSanto Funeral Home

Lois Jean (Bottomley) Davis

“We are heartbroken to share that Lois Jean (Bottomley) Davis passed away on Friday (May 24, 2024) at the young age of 68. She was the most incredible mother and friend and will be truly missed.

Lois and her younger brother, James were born in Hornell, NY and raised by their mother, Phyllis Bottomley (Beard), and their father Frank Bottomley. At a young age she joined the Methodist Youth Fellowship (MYF) where she met a lot of her lifelong friends.

Lois graduated from Finger Lakes Community College with her associate degree in graphic design. In her 20s, Lois moved to Rochester, NY and started working at Varden Studios in photography. She then began her career in Phlebotomy at Rochester Regional Heath where she ended up retiring from. After retiring in 2017, she moved to Sodus Point, NY and lived a peaceful life on the lake.

Lois enjoyed crocheting, watching her favorite YouTube videos and television shows, camping, photography, laughing, and spending time with her 2 children and her Goldendoodle Lola. She was an avid Yankee’s fan and has gone to many away games in Baltimore, Toronto, Cleveland, Seattle and Tampa.

Lois is survived by her daughter, Chelsea, her son, Zachary and her partner, Adrian Boyd.

In her final moments she was surrounded by her family.

Please join us in celebrating Lois’ life on Sunday (June 9, 2024) from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. at the Bishop-Johnson and DeSanto Funeral Home, 285 Main St., Hornell.

In lieu of flowers, those wishing may contribute in Lois’ memory to their favorite charity.

The Bishop-Johnson & DeSanto Funeral Home is honored to assist Lois’ family with the arrangements.

Online condolences or remembrances of Lois are welcome below in the comment section or on the Facebook page of Bishop-Johnson & DeSanto Funeral Home.






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14 Responses

  1. As one of Lois’s MYF friends, I feel a loss and send my deepest sympathies to her family. Sunday nights shaped our morals, opened our hearts to accept new friends, and gave us a space where it was okay to be ourselves – in all our awkward teenager ways. My prayer for you is the one we learned all those years ago. At the end of our Sunday night meetings, the members held hands and recited Numbers 6:24-26 New King James Version (NKJV)
    “The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.” Amen.

  2. Sending my prayers and condolences to Lois’s family Lois, I am at a loss of words. So many many memories come to my mind. I will miss you so much. Even if we hadn’t seen each other in awhile, it always felt like no time passed. I’m so glad Kathy & I visited you last summer… & we were able to get together at our 50th HHS banquet. I know our “group” of friends are so sad, but all the memories bring smiles to our hearts.
    Thank you for being you …. Rest in peace.
    Love you forever

  3. I am very sorry to hear about your loss Zach, Chelsea and Adrian. I’ve lost my mother as well and it’s not easy. I hope you find comfort in your memories of your mom.

  4. I am so sorry Chelsea, Zachary and Adrian…your mom/Lois was one of the best. Great memories…MYF, working at the Elmhurst, hanging out at the Bottomley home, cruising in her car… the chinese fire drills and so much more. It was so good to get together last June & July. It was always a fun time when she was around…some of the best times of my life. I am so blessed to have been a friend of hers…praying for you all 💕

  5. Lois was a wonderful friend and our MYF years are full of great memories with Lois. We use to ride around in her car and pull Chinese fire drills . We use to laugh so much. Those were some of the best years of my life. I didn’t get to see you often since I live in AZ but I will think of you often and remember all the fun times we had! God Bless my friend

  6. Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us every day. unseen, unheard, but always near, so loved, so missed so very dear. Know that so much caring surrounds you at this difficult time. I’m praying for comfort and peace in your loss, for strength when the days are long, and assurance in your heart that you are supported and loved.

  7. I have known and worked with Lois for many years at Rochester General Hospital. We have shared many laughs and good times with Lois and many of my coworkers. She made me a pair of gloves for Christmas 2 years ago which I will forever cherish. She was part of our retirement group which we have met once a month for about 2 yrs now and still do. We all miss her very much.

  8. I have known Lois for many years worked with her at RGH and we always met up altogether the retiee group of us once a month for laughs and catching up on all of us she was always laughing and full of spirit she will be greatly missed but never forgotten.

  9. I worked with Lois for many years at Rochester General and I can say there was no one like Lois
    She could make everyone laugh and was so sincere I never heard her say anything bad about anyone
    Although we hadn’t seen each other in a while, I started seeing her at the retiree lunch group and she hadn’t changed a bit
    My deepest sympathy to her two children that she lived dearly
    Rest in Peace my dear friend

  10. I am so saddened to learn of this I spent many hours working with Lois and also sharing God’s Blessings 🙏 Lois was and will always be a genuine authentic lovely person.. RIP You are missed.

  11. Lois was a mentor in my training for phlebotomy. We always had a laugh filled time when we got to work together over the next 13 years. She supported my belief in “signs” from my deceased brother. I will look for signs of you Lois. I’m so very sad for Zach Chelsea and Adrian. She loved you all and spoke of you often. ❤️🙏

  12. I met Lois when I started going to myf. She accepted me right away. We have many many fun times and she was in my weddding. After marriage and babies I lost contact with Lois and her family amount many other friends. She was one of my best friends. Her mom and dad were like they were my mom and dad. We spent many times at her house, myf, weddings, parties, etc. I regret losing touch with her. I’ll miss her also like I did everyday before this happened. Such a terrible illness. I’m so sorry. I hope everyone learns a lesson and spend today with the important people in your life. Make the time for them because time is so precious. 🥰💕❤️💓💔💔💔

  13. II met Lois at MYF. She was one of our first friends to drive and have her own car! Freedom! We would listen to music and have chinese fire drills in that Blue Chevy(/). We had sleepovers, parties, dances, trips. She loved Elton John! She had a wonderful laugh! She was light and breezy, easy to be with, always positive. Saw her last summer in Naples at Bob and Ruth’s restaurant with Kathy Button-Hughes, and the year before she hosted us at her lovely home on Lake Ontario, with Kimbee Wood and Kathy Conine. Good times…always sweet, always happy to be together…a special lady who loved her Adrian and her Chelsea and her Zachary. She will be greatly missed. May your memories bring you comfort during these difficult times.

  14. I met Lois thru a friend Kathy Jackson – we all worked at Elmhurst Dairy in Hornell – way back in 1974. We always had a fun at work. Lois at one point live in Rehoboth beach, Delaware. I drove down and spent a week at her place. Had a great time. It was in June – I have photos of her with a birthday cake that I made for her. She was a great person and good friend. We might not have talked for a long time – but we could pick up as if we just saw each other yesterday. I am sad for Zach Chelsea and Adrian – your mom was a wonderful woman. We will all miss her very much.

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